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Phd Project

Do It Together Again: redes, fluxos e espaços na construção de carreiras musicais na cena indie portuguesa

Ana Sofia Oliveira


Pedro Costa


This project is based on a triangulated vision of Portuguese indie music production: the individual axis, composed of the actors-creators and the professional careers that, in a do-it-yourself (DIY) way, build and manage; the collective axis, the scenes networks in which they are inserted, substratum to the development of the professional trajectories, in an exercise of constant combination of creation/ production DIY logics and do-it-together (DIT) logics; and the spatial-institutional axis, which refers to the urban context in which these careers take place, analysing their dynamics and territorial impacts and discussing political options and strategies, in the processes of regeneration and urban vitalization - do-it-visible (DIV).

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