Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Marta Setúbal
Assistant Researcher
research interests
place attachment, civic engagement, architecture without construction, participatory research methods, co-production of space, spatial agency, body in space, memory of place, community archives
Short Bio
[1985] vila real de santo antónio (vrsa) [2003] lisboa [2010] berlin [2020] vrsa [2023]...
[2003-2009, UTL-lisboa] architecture studies;
[2010-2020, berlin] work as architect;
[2015-2020, KHB-berlin] m.a. spatial strategies - Arquivo da Vila, ein Archiv als Dispositiv für die Bindung an einen Ort [Arquivo da Vila - an archive as a dispositive for the attachment to a place];
[2022-2023, vrsa] mayor's chief of staff;
[2021-..., ISCTE-lisboa] doctoral program architecture of contemporary metropolitan studies;
[1jan2024 - 48mo] FCT 2023.01425.BD "in situ and moving: collective space embodiment for spatial imagination, action and care".